Papers provide further information with a more detailed explanation of our approach.

Year Paper Language
2020 Bachelor-Thesis about the Performance of Emergent Law Based Statistics compared to Standard ML-Approaches for a multitude of Datasets: 

Wagner; T.
Performance of Emergent Law Based Statistics compared to standard ML-Approaches

2019 Project-Thesis about the Explainability of Emergent Law Based Statistics compared to Standard ML-Approaches based on the Example of a Lending Process: 

Reichelt; P.
Explainability of Emergent Law Based Statistics

2018 Bachelor-Thesis about the application of Emergent Law Based Statistics to Macro-Economic Analysis and Forecasting: 

Philippin; C.
Macro-Economic Analysis and Forecasting

2017 Bachelor-Thesis about the application of Emergent Law Based Statistics to Fundamental Analysis of selected Stocks: 

Nitsch; S.
Fundamental Analysis

2015 Kuck, A.;Frischhut, H. J.
Die Suche nach emergenten deterministischen empirischen Gesetzen als Alternative zur wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Statistik
2015 Kuck, A.;Harries, J. P.;Kuck, E.
Der Weg zu wahren empirischen Gesetzen und rationalem Handeln
2015 Kuck, A.;Harries, J. P.;Kuck, E.
Emergenz statt Metaphysik – Übersicht über die Methodik von UDPL